International dewatering specialist

mei 29, 2013 0 comments

Loots Groundwater International are specialists in the design of dewatering and groundwater control systems. We provide specialist advice and design services in the fields of dewatering and groundwater engineering for clients in the construction industries.

The practice was established by Ing. Erik Loots, who is 4th generation dewatering specialist (after father, grandfather and great grandfather) on projects in the investigation, design, installation and operation of dewatering systems for temporary works purposes. We integrate hydrogeology and geotechnical engineering skills to provide innovative, cost-effective and safe solutions to groundwater problems on construction projects.

State of the art:
The dewatering design proces takes over 100 steps to achieve the best results. It is a proces which originated in early 1950 and has been ever since optimized, where computional modelling has a part since 1990's. Erik Loots (since 2011 Loots Groundwater international) uses both computional modelling and knowledge from the past, both are required to find a realistic answer for each project. 

Dewatering projects where 100% of the flow rate is infiltrated back in an aquifer is a specialism which started in early 1980's. This to prevent negative impact caused by settlements or discharge ferruginous or salt water.

Advanced calculations (environment, groundwater quality, settlements, dewatering system, etc.)  which enables a design cycle which results in cost-effective and safe solutions. On average we go 4 times through a design cycle before a client receives our draft results, with these efforts we ensure that the solution is good for the practical variations. This design cycle is lean process optimized over decades, this cycle which resembles most to "The Toyota Way". "The correct cycle will deliver the correct outcomes", "Persistently tackling root issues drives authoritative learning" and "Base your management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals"

Troubleshooting, not afraid for dirty boots. We are very interested in cases that do not work out, especially when it seems to be a miracle. 

Prevent negative effects caused by barrier effect of underground constructions. An underground construction can block groundwaterflow. In some cases the groundwaterlevels changed significant around underground objects which damaged the new construction and environment. Loots started with a few troubleshoot projects, this experience is now translated in a design service upfront, it is possible to assess the risk and design measures if required.

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